OSMD WordPress Plugin.
Render MusicXML sheet music in WordPress.
OSMD Features
Responsive Rendering
Display and render .xml, .musicxml, and .mxl files on any of your WordPress websites easily.
Completely customizable
Drawing options and music score engraving. Hide parts or instruments, names, sheet titles, or edit the page format, font family, positioning and much more.
Free download, easy installation
The installation process could not be easier. Simply download and activate the plugin. No codings skills needed.
OSMD In Action
This is an example the public-facing side and what is displayed to your readers. It’s easily edited to match your website.
This is what you see on your WordPress site. Change various settings from width, container aspect ratio zoom and so much more. For details, check out or plugin page.
We developed a shortcode for you so that you can still use OSMG even if you don’t use the Gutenberg editor! Read more about it on our plugin page!
Get the OSMD WordPress plugin now
Display and render your favorite sheet music onto any WordPress website. No coding skills needed, just download and install – it’s as easy as it sounds!