Very old Sheet Music

OpenSheetMusicDisplay Preview: this is going to happen over the next months

MusicXML is the most popular file format to store, archive, publish and share sheet music on the internet. It is open-source and supported worldwide by hundreds of applications.

Here is a process visualization of how to make MusicXML files appear as digital sheet music on your screen:

OpenSheetMusicDisplay JavaScript Engine Process Visualisation

We have already developed native Android and iOS apps (PhonicScore lite, please see our website for more info)in the past for reading and displaying MusicXML with C# and Xamarin.

For our new web app we want to build on existing music rendering web technologies. This is where VexFlow comes into play. We love VexFlow, it has just one downside: there is no working MusicXML parser. Thus we decided to build one and open it to the public.

Moreover, we extend the parser’s functionalities and name the whole project ‘Open Sheet Music Display’ – the first open-source sheet music rendering engine that can display your Music XML files on your web page!

The version will read and display sheet music to any screen size. lt will be ready in May.

Later releases will include responsive line breaks, zooming, display of titles and overlays eg. a moving cursor bar when playing audio.

Since we value open source software and community, we will release OpenSheetMusicDisplay under MIT license.

See the timeline for more information on major development steps.


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